Threes Classes & Potty Training Independence

When your child begins the 3s program at CCDC, we want them to be independent in the bathroom. 

Independence looks like a child who:

  1. Can recognize when they need to use the potty and will stop what they are doing to go.

  2. Can tell the teacher when they need to go potty or they simply walk to the classroom bathroom when they need go potty.

  3. Knows how to pull their pants up and down.

  4. Can wipe well enough to clean themselves.

Tips for success at school:

  1. Send your child to school in pants/shorts that are elastic waist and loose enough to easily pull up and down (no tights or tricky buttons/zippers)

  2. Accidents happen.  Always have a weather appropriate change of clothes in your child’s backpack, including socks!

  3. If your child needs a pull-up during nap time, please be sure to send the kind that pull apart on the sides and be sure to let your teachers know of this need.

We understand that this process takes time.  It’s called “training” for a reason.  We also understand that some children will have just turned 3 years old right before school starts.  We want to meet children where they are and honor their development, which can’t be forced.  If by mid-August full independence is not achieved, good communication with administration and teachers will be key. Our 3’s classrooms are not equipped with diaper changing stations, so having insight and a plan is important.  We will make a plan with you when you let us know your child’s progress. 

Parents please:

  1. Make potty training a focus and priority during the summer. 

  2. Communicate with the Director before school starts if your child is still learning.  It is so hard on your child and the teachers when they must figure out during the school day that a child is not yet independent.  We never want your child to feel embarrassed or spotlighted when accidents occur.  Knowing ahead of time really helps us, so please don’t be shy or nervous to share this information before the start of school.